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International Shorts 5

Saturday 22 March 2025


This screening features 7 short films, and will be followed by a free drink. All films are in English OR have English subtitles.​

@ Velvet Room, Alpacastraat 29, 9000 Gent

Tickets are 6 euros (incl. a free drink).

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To my love (Rakkaalleni) (Finland) by Aino Kontinen

*** Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival

Facade renovation locks young woman inside her apartment. During a reconstruction of her home and herself she writes a letter to her loved one.

Running time: 00:05:00

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The Man Within (Belgium) by Pierre de Mûelenaere, Antoine Veldekens

*** Fright Nights 

Ever since Antoine hung a monumental portrait in his living room, his grasp on reality has been slipping, rendering him incapable of leaving his apartment. Now Antoine must confront the sinister forces lurking within the painting. 

Running time: 00:07:30


Emperica (Belgium) by Kris De Meester, Ron Chiers - out of competition

*** Festival International Signes de Nuit Paris

Against the backdrop of societal collapse, two powerful voices engage in a high-stakes debate over the future of humanity. Should mankind be placed under total control to safeguard its survival, or should they be granted the freedom to shape their own destiny, even if it means risking self-destruction?

Running time: 00:09:02


Safari (Italy) by Leonardo Balestrieri

Inspired by real instances of violence against LGBT+ people, Safari follows Elia, a member of a "hunting" group,  who serves as an example of the dissonance felt when one is forced to suppress themselves. Emerging from this annihilation will be lacerating, but ineludible.

Running time: 00:15:00


Arrested (Lithuania) by IndrÄ— JuškutÄ—

A young woman arrested following a traffic accident is forced to spend the night at the police station where the ultimate confrontation awaits her – that with herself. 

Running time: 00:15:00

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Fellow of Fate (Belgium) by Melchior van den Boogert

Two brothers reunite in the snow-covered capital. One of them seems to have forgotten something crucial, which leads to rising tensions between them.

Running time: 00:05:28


Amidst (Finland) by Pia Andell

*** Tampere International Short film festival, Verona International Film Festival

Everything is perfect, and then, boom!

Running time: 00:29:59

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